Holly Trace Resources
The resources page provides residents access to our important documents related to the subdivision and its Homeowner’s Association. It is also a great reference for a wide variety of contact information residents need.
NOTE: Greenville County already has procedures in place regarding issues such as roads, sidewalks, animals, etc. Please contact the County first. You may contact the Homeowner's Board if you still need assistance.
No Solicitation Policy
To help enforce Holly Trace's no solicitation policy, we have provided a standard letter that you can use to address door-to-door solicitors, flyers, etc. It can be downloaded and passed out, or mailed, to any business bringing unwanted solicitations to your doorstep or mailbox.
No Solicitation Letter (click here)
Holly Trace Neighborhood Services
To help our neighbors with services for general residential improvements, we will add (HOA Board approved) referral services and contacts here:
Mailbox paint: Paula Shaw
Also, here are some websites that you may find useful in helping you plan for those seasonal projects:
Landscaping solutions: Clemson Cooperative Extension
Holly Trace Architectural and Grounds Rules, Regulations and Procedures
The Board of Directors of the Holly Trace Homeowners’ Association (“Association”), consistent with the By-Laws and Restrictive and Protective Covenants of the Association and in compliance with the 2003 International Property Maintenance Code (www.talgov.com/dncs/neighborhoos/pdf/inpropmaint.pdf) utilized by the Greenville County Codes Enforcement Division (www.greenvillecounty.org/Codes_Enforcement/Codes.asp), have set forth below some general rules, regulations and procedures with respect to all residences and lots in the subdivision.
Submit architecture requests to arccommittee@hollytracehoa.com
Click here to Print Full Document
Holly Trace Covenants, HOA By-Laws and Administrative forms
Utilities and Services
Moving in can be overwhelming! Having a “go-to” contact list for services can help ease the pain!! The following list of local services is provided especially for our new neighbors. We will continue to update it, so if there is a service you'd like posted, you can contact us with your request: HollyTraceEmail@aol.com.
Gas: Piedmont Natural Gas
Electric: Laurens Electric
Cable, etc: Charter Communications 800-955-7766
Trash: GFL (Note: there are others available, but the board has a discount worked out with this provider)
Water: Greenville Water
Holly Trace Maintenance References:
Drain Culvert or Traffic Sign Repairs: 864-467-7016
Streetlight Bulb Replacement
Greenville County Departments & Law Enforcement
Here is a good list for connecting with local departments to help you with issues that cannot not be handled within the scope of the HOA:
Greenville County Sheriff's Office 271-5210 (non-emergency)
Greenville County Government
Greenville County Geographic Information Systems
Greenville County Planning Commission
Greenville County Service Request
Highway Patrol
Sub Division Map (launch map here)